september 04, 2013

Obama er i Sverige i dag.

Her er en hilsen til ham fra "Jihad i Malmø":

Katolsk talesman: Skäms, Obama !

till hård attack mot president
Obama för hans stöd till
Muslimska Brödraskapet och för
att han valt att tiga om det
faktum att de kristna utsätts
för de hårdaste angreppen
på 700 år i Egypten.
Skäms, Obama ! säger fader
Rafic. Särskilt om han över-
huvudtaget är kristen själv...
"An Egyptian Christian leader is calling
out President Barack Obama and his
administration for not doing enough in
face of intense persecution against the
Church by the Muslim Brotherhood.
Following the recent barrage of church
burnings, Father Rafic Greiche, the chief
spokesman for the Catholic Church in Egypt,
criticized President Obama for not speaking
out against the worst violence against Egyptian
Christians in nearly 700 years.
"President Obama when he made a speech he
just touched on the burning churches instead
of telling the Muslim Brotherhood that they are
terrorists and they are making terror on Egypt,"
Greiche said.
"He did not speak loud for this and shame
on him if he is a Christian that he does
not speak out loud."
"The spokesman of the White House who…was
asked 'What is the red line for the Christians in
Egypt?' he mocked and said, 'I didn't bring my
red pen," he noted.
"So I think it was a mockery and not at its
place and really shame on him also," he said.
Radical Islamists, many members of Egypt's
Muslim Brotherhood, attacked at least 60 churches,
Christian businesses, and institutions in the days
following the crackdown against supporters of
ousted President Mohammed Morsi.
"Obama does not appear to understand the
situation," Greiche told AsiaNews. "In his speech
he didn't even so much as mention all the
churches and Christian buildings being burnt
down by the Muslim Brotherhood."
"This must absolutely be made clear: the
Muslim Brothers are terrorists and are
tied to groups belonging to al Qaeda
and to the Salafites,"
he said.
"The history of the Muslim Brotherhood,
even since their foundation, has been
a history of 85 years of bloodshed."
Det var första gången en Vatikanen
närstående katolsk talesman öppet
ifrågasatt om Obama verkligen är
I USA är det en vanlig uppfattning
bland journalister att Obama upp-
fostrats som muslim och först
som vuxen av taktiska skäl
började uppträda som baptist.
Ett faktum är i varje fall att hans
kenyanska släkt är aktiva muslimer.
organisation och har 12 fruar.
Han har nära kontakter till
Muslimska Brödraskapet
och Hamas, liksom minst 
en av presidentens kusiner.